

With more than 25 years of experience, Medela has the most complete line of products for you and your baby, striving to meet all of your needs, while providing the highest quality, comfort, and safety.


Medela Pump in Style® Maxflow Ins Breastpump

The Pump in Style® Maxflow Ins Breastpump is part of Medela’s patented 2-Phase Expression technology pump portfolio.


 Insurance Approved

Medela Pump In Style Maxflow Shoulder Bag

The only electric retail pump with breakthrough 2-Phase Expression pumping for maximum milk flow.


 Upgrade Option Available

Medela Freestyle Hands-free Breastpump

The Freestyle Hands-free provides a superior hands-free pumping experience for busy, multitasking parents.


 Upgrade Option Available

Medela Sonata™ Breastpump
SonataBreastpump SM

Sonata™, Medela's New SMART double-electric breastpump with 2-Phase Expression® Technology.


 Upgrade Option Available

Medela Symphony Breastpump

Symphony is Medela's latest innovation in hospital-grade electric double pumps.


 Available For Rental Only